CASW invites "Science Where You Are" proposals
怎么搭建外网服务器?-CSDN论坛:2021-1-11 · 怎么在自己电脑上搭建一个服务器,伍便于外网访问呢? 前几天我要测试一个项目,这个是需要往服务器上放才可伍测的,但后台太忙了,所伍就说让我自己在自己电脑搭建个服务器,把项目伋码放在里面测就可伍,其实搭建服务器的方法有很多,之前我有用过一个XMAPP的软件它也是可伍作为服务器 ...
Dave Perlman is no more, long may he be remembered
by Charlie Petit | David Perlman, a newspaper reporter since before World War II, a science writer since 1957, and a vital factor in CASW’s growth as an organization, died at his San Francisco home... more
ComSciCon writers capture #ShutDownSTEM
In early June 2023, CASW and ComSciCon were preparing for a fall workshop to train 13 science graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in science writing through workshops and writing exercises... more
Five talented journalists endowed with multimedia skills and a determination to make a difference have been awarded prestigious Taylor/Blakeslee University Fellowships for 2023–21 from the Council for the... more
ScienceWriters2023 pivots to virtual program
After discussing the options for the annual ScienceWriters conference in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, CASW and the National Association of Science Writers have decided to replace the conference with a... more
Taylor/Blakeslee Fellow selected for 2023 mentored reporting project
CASW is delighted to announce the award of a Taylor/Blakeslee Mentored Science Journalism Project Fellowship to Jerimiah Oetting (@joetting13). The fellowship, which is awarded competitively to a current... more
Google Chrome OS_百度百科:2021-3-27 · Chrome OS是一款Google开发的基于PC的操作系统。 Google Chrome OS是一款基于Linux的开源操作系统。Google在自己的官方博客表示,初期,这一操作系统将定位于上网本、紧凑型伍及低成本电脑。这款开源软件将被命名为Chrome OS,谷歌公司 ...
“We are living in Coronavirus Standard Time,” says science journalist Jon Cohen, “where each day is like seven in the old world we used to know.”“Each day I wake up and see or hear or learn something I... more
CASW convenes partners to discuss science journalism
Can science journalism be better? How can we ensure a strong future for the field, one that ensures that the most accurate science journalism possible serves diverse audiences and helps citizens put... more
Science writers: Did you attend a ScienceWriters conference and hear a presentation or had a lunch conversation with an expert in epidemiology, infectious disease modeling, virology, health disparities or... more
免费无限容量网盘Google Team Drive 一分钟开通_手艺舍:2021-1-2 · 已经分享过很多大容量网盘,但是多一个网盘的备伇想必还是没有人拒绝的。所伍,今天再来分享一个GoogleTeamDrive无限容量团队盘,供小伙伴伊备伇使用,伍免自己“中药的资料”或者“小姐姐伊”放在免费撸的福利盘中翻车丢失。那么你想要吗?
Eleven talented science graduate students and postdoctoral fellows were transformed into science news reporters during ScienceWriters2023 in State College, Pa. Oct. 25-29, 2023, providing journalistic... more
CASW’s science journalism showcase comes of age
Aspiring and early-career science writers have some new tools for learning from the pros.CASW's Showcase website, and the Storygrams series of annotations—produced and co-published by The Open... more
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