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CASW invites "Science Where You Are" proposals


The Council for the Advancement of Science Writing is committed to improving the quality and quantity of science news reaching the public. Directed and advised by distinguished journalists and scientists, CASW develops and funds programs that encourage accurate and informative writing about developments in science, technology, medicine and the environment.


P.O. Box 17337
Seattle, WA 98127


CASW is recognized by GuideStar for our commitment to transparency in sharing information important to donors.



Visit CASW Showcase to sample award-winning science writing and critiques.


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CASW invites "Science Where You Are" proposals

怎么搭建外网服务器?-CSDN论坛:2021-1-11 · 怎么在自己电脑上搭建一个服务器,伍便于外网访问呢? 前几天我要测试一个项目,这个是需要往服务器上放才可伍测的,但后台太忙了,所伍就说让我自己在自己电脑搭建个服务器,把项目伋码放在里面测就可伍,其实搭建服务器的方法有很多,之前我有用过一个XMAPP的软件它也是可伍作为服务器 ...


Dave Perlman is no more, long may he be remembered

by Charlie Petit | David Perlman, a newspaper reporter since before World War II, a science writer since 1957, and a vital factor in CASW’s growth as an organization, died at his San Francisco home... more

ComSciCon writers capture #ShutDownSTEM

In early June 2023, CASW and ComSciCon were preparing for a fall workshop to train 13 science graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in science writing through workshops and writing exercises... more


Five talented journalists endowed with multimedia skills and a determination to make a difference have been awarded prestigious Taylor/Blakeslee University Fellowships for 2023–21 from the Council for the... more

ScienceWriters2023 pivots to virtual program

After discussing the options for the annual ScienceWriters conference in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, CASW and the National Association of Science Writers have decided to replace the conference with a... more

Taylor/Blakeslee Fellow selected for 2023 mentored reporting project

CASW is delighted to announce the award of a Taylor/Blakeslee Mentored Science Journalism Project Fellowship to Jerimiah Oetting (@joetting13). The fellowship, which is awarded competitively to a current... more

Google Chrome OS_百度百科:2021-3-27 · Chrome OS是一款Google开发的基于PC的操作系统。 Google Chrome OS是一款基于Linux的开源操作系统。Google在自己的官方博客表示,初期,这一操作系统将定位于上网本、紧凑型伍及低成本电脑。这款开源软件将被命名为Chrome OS,谷歌公司 ...

“We are living in Coronavirus Standard Time,” says science journalist Jon Cohen, “where each day is like seven in the old world we used to know.”“Each day I wake up and see or hear or learn something I... more

CASW convenes partners to discuss science journalism

Can science journalism be better? How can we ensure a strong future for the field, one that ensures that the most accurate science journalism possible serves diverse audiences and helps citizens put... more


Science writers: Did you attend a ScienceWriters conference and hear a presentation or had a lunch conversation with an expert in epidemiology, infectious disease modeling, virology, health disparities or... more

免费无限容量网盘Google Team Drive 一分钟开通_手艺舍:2021-1-2 · 已经分享过很多大容量网盘,但是多一个网盘的备伇想必还是没有人拒绝的。所伍,今天再来分享一个GoogleTeamDrive无限容量团队盘,供小伙伴伊备伇使用,伍免自己“中药的资料”或者“小姐姐伊”放在免费撸的福利盘中翻车丢失。那么你想要吗?

Eleven talented science graduate students and postdoctoral fellows were transformed into science news reporters during ScienceWriters2023 in State College, Pa. Oct. 25-29, 2023, providing journalistic... more

CASW’s science journalism showcase comes of age

Aspiring and early-career science writers have some new tools for learning from the pros.CASW's Showcase website, and the Storygrams series of annotations—produced and co-published by The Open... more


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Interrogating Data: A Science Writer’s Guide to Data Journalism

Data journalism is the practice of using numbers and trends to tell a story. It requires a variety of skills: research to find the correct dataset, analysis to determine what kind of story this dataset may tell, and presentation to share that story with readers. And these skills are within reach for many science writers, even without any... more
The Open Notebook

男子“翻墙”下载色情内容 自办网站发展数百 ...-中国青年网:2021-4-19 · 原标题:男子“翻墙”进收费色情网下载再自办网站,牟利10多万元被刑拘。 该网站半年时间发展会员400余人,被南京秦淮区一网管举报牵出 广东 ...

The Open Notebook está aquí con una guía sobre cómo leer un artículo científico. Estos consejos y trucos funcionarán si estás cubriendo la pandemia de Covid-19, biología del desarrollo o la exploración del espacio. La clave es familiarizarse con el marco en el que los científicos describen sus descubrimientos y no ahogarte en los detalles... more
The Open Notebook

What to Do When a Source Asks to See Your Unpublished Copy

Sources often ask to see quotes or drafts before publication to ensure that their work is accurately represented and that the opinions they’ve given don’t reflect poorly on them. But even when well intentioned, most journalists agree these requests usually can’t be accommodated without a breach of integrity. As such, navigating these... more
The Open Notebook

Stephanie Lee Unravels the Conflicts of Interest Behind a Controversial COVID-19 Study

In May, BuzzFeed News reporter Stephanie Lee broke a massive story based on a whistleblower complaint, filed with Stanford University, criticizing the researchers behind a controversial study on COVID-19 antibody testing. The lengthy document revealed that JetBlue’s founder, a known critic of ongoing economic shutdowns, had financially backed the... more
The Open Notebook
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